Luu | 28-03-2018 22:20:00 | 22:20:00 28/3/2018 |
Even though we are already by the end March, many people are still talking about how they celebrated the Carnivals, a celebration that takes place in February. A group of friends went horseback riding where they saw different floats passing by. Would you like to know what they were like? In this issue of Best Habbo Rooms we will see some buildings of users from the Spanish hotel in which they show some floats built for the occasion. Let's begin!
Among all the floats, three were related to the animals, as they showed a monkey, a dragon and a kraken guarding his most precious treasure. Have you seen those bright colors?
The following two floats were related to fantasy, the first of them showed a small house on top of a mountain and a dragon, and in the second one a Minion is displayed. Take a look!
Let's continue with two more which show people. Whilst the first one represents a punk, the second one shows an eccentric woman. Which one would you choose?
The last float we saw in this great colorful parade was full of flowers of all kinds and colors. All this beautiful nature in a single float!
Now it's your turn... What do you think of the rooms shown above? Do you want to propose a room or theme for future editions? You can use the comments to make your opinion known while waiting for the next edition!
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