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Habbo-Happy Exclusive

Sulake relied its automatic moderation to an external company claiming to be successful with the Habbo implementation

This operation allowed to set "intelligent" algorithms and dismiss great part of the team in charge of protecting users

Habbo-Happy | 18-09-2017 00:04:38 | 00:04:38 18/9/2017 | habbo-happy.net

As you may know, for a long time all Habbo hotels are partly controlled by an automatic moderation, which includes a more sensitive and intelligent filter, but... What is behind the disappearance of the moderator figure and the filter change?

According to Habbo-Happy's exclusive information, Habbo trusted an external company for covering the 24/7 moderation of contents (both text and images) through an automatic smart filter capable of detecting harassment, nude and personal information exchanging, blasphemy, exploitation, racism, self-harm, web pages, crime, and any content against the Habbo way.

Sulake wanted to decrease the moderation cost for improving the annual benefits

According to the moderation company, Habbo recognized that investing in so much human moderation was something very expensive for them, something that they fixed using this external service. After hiring this company, Habbo admits that this is changing the way they work and the fact they effectively reduced moderation investing less money in moderators without seen complaints from its users

All user generated content is sent to this company that automatically analyzes and gives response to Habbo in seconds

Although moderation has become partly subcontracted and automatic, Habbo staff have access to the external service and can configure the parameters according to the situations in which they wish to modify. With this service, all user generated content such as usernames, chat, private messages and forum messages is monitored. In addition, users are ranked according to their prestige, so the system can prioritize the requests that require more urgent help.

Although the contracted company assures that it is not possible to skip the filter, emulators spam and users exchanging personal data can be daily found by users. In addition, there are also unfair sanctions that players receive without doing such behaviours against the Habbo way.

From more than 50 people dedicated to protecting users to less than 20

After the disappearance of the moderator figure and the large amount of staff left, there are less than twenty staff to deal with users. Plus being in charge of the nine hotels and fansites, BaW and Ambassadors projects supervision, they also have to process user reports and custom support enquiries, sharing their work hours between two, three or four different hotels

In addition to Habbo, other companies like Supercell, Nintendo or Wooz also rely on this automatic moderation company, which has received several awards and recognitions. As for the other Sulake hotel, Hideaway, they may also be using this same moderation.

Three full-time moderators replaced by an automatic moderation and two hotel-share staff

What do you think about Habbo trusting on this external company of automatic moderation? Share your opinion with us and stay tuned to Habbo-Happy.

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What users say?
28-06-2019 01:51:30
😲 Thx for the information
04-10-2018 20:05:24
Se acerca el fin de Habbo :(
18-09-2017 12:19:14
28-06-2019 01:50:57
Pal, what are u doing here? 😝
18-09-2017 11:19:06
Thanks for the information!

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