lPeeluche | 04-01-2021 01:00:00 | 01:00:00 4/1/2021 | habbo-happy.net
Happy New Year 2021! It's time to start a new year full of strength and fun inside the hotel. After the previous Christmas campaign, it's time to go into a new theme during this quite peculiar month of January: the disorder. Would you like to know what details this season will bring with it ?
Eight thematic bundles will arrive to the Hotel over the next month
We started the year with a total of eight different bundles, one of which is totally exclusive. Among them we find some classics like the student room bundle or old rooms like the zen garden.
NEW: Messy Room Bundle:This room gives you a realistic glimpse into adult life. Some days the mop is just too far.
NEW: Rainy Day Bundle 2.0
Get a selection of the new Rainy Day furni for a fantastic price!
NEW: Chill Modern Bundle
Our fresh take on the Modern Studio Bundle has a new layout, a new colour scheme, but most importantly it’s got a new pooch!
NEW: Dark Elegant Bundle
We’ve added a distinctly darker touch to the much-loved Elegant Bundle, first released in September 2017. It now truly exudes opulence!
NEW: Sunset Cafe Bundle
The old Sunset Cafe public room was voted the overall favourite in a Twitter poll we ran earlier this year. So, we converted it into an ownable bit of Habbo History. Enjoy!
NEW: Harmony Garden Bundle
We first released the Zen Garden Bundle back in late 2018 and it proved to be extremely popular. So much so that we decided to revamp it entirely!
Artist Studio Bundle
Every artist starts somewhere. What better place than your very own apartment, equipped with all the art essentials!
NEW: Chocolatier Shop Bundle
We’re extremely happy to present the brand new, 100% exclusive Chocolatier Shop Bundle! Comes with exclusive badge.
A total of four new rare furni will go on sale
It couldn't miss the arrival of new rare thematic for those users dedicated to collecting exclusive objects. This January we'll receive four rare in total, among which we find a new tradeable clothes.
RARE Sunrise Cloud Hat!
Start the morning right with your very own wearable sunrise. Rare and never to be sold again!
RARE Royal Bear!
We can guarantee that this bear will rule the kingdom fairly AND give the best hugs. Rare and never to be sold again!
RARE Vintage Coffee Siphon
Invest in this Vintage Coffee Siphon for coffee that is better than ever before. Rare and never to be sold again!
RARE Wisteria Arch
Upgrade your private garden space with some classic Wisteria Arches. Rare and never to be sold again!
A small unicorn puppy will be the Limited Edition Rare of the new campaign
In some campaigns it's also common that Limited Edition Rare, also known as LTD, goes on sale. These consist of reduced units which can be acquired in a short period of time. This month we'll enjoy a small animal in the shape of a unicorn puppy. Watch it here!
Unicorn Puppy LTD!
This puppy loves warm hugs, treats, and dressing up. Don't miss out on the chance to take them home today!
A new and untidy range of objects will star in January
Finally, it's time to present the new range of thematic furni that will land in the catalogue during the campaign. It's composed by a large set of messy objects such as a pile of dirty clothes, a furniture with full drawers... A parent's worst nightmare!
What do you think about all the news prepared for the first campaign of the year? Do you feel like getting some of these objects and rare? Tell us through the comments and keep visiting Habbo-Happy for more information.